Hyundai Creta: ESP(Electronic Stability Program) System / Front Wheel Speed Sensor

Components and components location


1. Front wheel speed sensor cable
2. Front wheel speed sensor

Repair procedures

Remove the front wheel speed sensor mounting bolt (A).
Tightening torque :
6.9 ~ 10.8 N.m (0.7 ~ 1.1 kgf.m, 5.1 ~ 7.6 lb-ft)

Remove the front wheel guard .
Disconnect the front wheel speed sensor connector, then remove the front wheel speed sensor.
Installation is the reverse of removal.
Measure the output voltage between the terminal of the wheel speed sensor and the body ground.
In order to protect the wheel speed sensor, when measuring output voltage, a 100 Ω resister must be used as shown.

Compare the change of the output voltage of the wheel speed sensor to the normal change of the output voltage as shown below.

V_low : 0.59V ~ 0.84V
V_high : 1.18V ~ 1.68V
Frequency range : 1 ~ 2,500Hz
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