Hyundai Creta: Clutch & Brake / Components and components location

Components Location

1. Overdrive clutch (OD/C)
2. One way clutch (OWC)
3. Low & Reverse brake (LR/B)
4. Underdrive brake (UD/B)
5. 26 brake (26/B)
6. 35R clutch (35R/C)
7. Damper clutch (D/C)

Description and operation
Description The 6-speed automatic transaxle consists of an overdrive clutch (OD/C), a one-way clutch (OWC), a lower and reverse brake (LR/B), an underdrive brake (UD/B), a 26 bra ...

Flow diagram
Power Flow Chart P,N UD/B LR/B 26/B 35R/C OD/C OWC ● ...

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